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&& .zprofile 3D plot ; AGG aggregation agile Ann annotation APT argmax argmin argparse argumenting arguments argv Asterisk atan2 attach Attribute audio autograd axes Axis backend background backpropagation bash Basic BAT binary Binary File binding blackhole block boolean boolean mask branch break brew buffer bytes C callback casting cat Ce Certbot chsh Circle CLANG class class method Classification CLI clip clipboard close closure cmd Code-Server Colab collection Color command comp completley uninstall computer conda config container context manager Contiguous continue Convention copy and paste cpp CPU cron Crontab CSV curl DATA dataloader Dataset debug debugpy decorator deep learning Default detach df DICTIONARY differenciation disown Distance Django dl DLP dpkg DRF drop dropna dtype DU Echo ED EDITOR elapsed electric-digital electromechanic electronic-digital elif else emulate encoding enum enumeration env Environment variable error evaluation example exec Export Extensions fancy indexing fetch figure file filter find first-class first-class object FirstClass fmt font font-cache foreground framework frozenset function function key functools gcc general-purpose get-command Git glorot glue code gluecode gpu GRAD gradient gui gunicorn hard-wired hardware threading He head higher-order homebrew HotKey Hotkeys hwclock hyperthreading idiomatic method if ILP immutable importlib In Index initialization inner input install integrated IO ipython IS-A jobs json Jupyter kaiming Keyword-only arguments kill Lambda language biding Latex launch.json layout less libgl library line Linear linewidth lint Linter linux list lldb locale login loop lsof MAC MacOS Magic MAMBA map mapping markdown marker matplotlib max memory merge methodology methods metrics MIN minconda ML module more mouse mutability mutable mypy name binding NaN neovim nerd nerdfont nested nginx nohup numpy nvim object oh-my-posh oh-my-zsh OOP Open OpenCV operator operator overloading OS overload overloading override overriding package Package Installer for Python package manager package-manager packing page pandas Parameters parser Patch path pathlib PCB pcolor pdf pep perf_counter Pickle PIP pipe plugboard POSH PowerShell Process profile Programming projection prompt PS pyflake pylint PyMuPDF pypdf2 pyplot pyqt pyside pyside6 PYTHON pytorch qprogressbar QT qt-main qtimer random Range re read record redirect redirection reduce register regular expression Relational remote branch reshape RESOURCE restore root Route scheduler scheduling schematic graph Scripting sed sequence serialization set set_axisbelow shape shebang shell Slash slicing smt sort sorted special method special methods Spine split Stash static method stream string STYLE STYLING subplots substitue substituion substitution sudo suggestion Summary Switch sys tail task tasks.json TEE tensor TensorFlow TERM terminal text TF Theme thread time Tip tmux tnesorflow token tokenizer Tool Torch tpu transpose tuple type annotation typeguard ubuntu ufunc uninstall unpacking url usermod util vacuum-tube variable vectorized venv vi view vim vim-plug vimscript Virtualization virutal environment visual programming Visual Studio Code Visualization vsCode WebApp week01 weight WHERE which while windows Windows 10 Windows 11 windows terminal winget With write wsgi wsl WSL2 WT Xavier xla xterm zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting || 경로 공유 다중명령어 단축키 명령어 사용법 설정 수선의발 오블완 자동완성 티스토리챌린지 한글 합치기 환경변수