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[Etc] Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG)

by ds31x 2024. 4. 29.

Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG)

Anti-Grain Geometry(AGG)는 다음과 같은 특징을 가지는

Open-source 고성능 2D 벡터 그래픽 라이브러리임.

  • C++로 구현됨.
  • anti-alising과 sub-pixel정확도에 중점을 두고
  • 고품질의 이미지를 생성할 수 있도록 설계된
  • 유연하고 확장 가능한 라이브러리.

AGG는 다양한 OS에서 동작 가능하며, 수많은 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스와 호환되며, 동시에 독립적으로도 작동가능함.


In the context of the Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) library, "grain" metaphorically refers to the coarse, pixel-based rendering methods that traditional graphics software might use.

AGG aims to go beyond this limitation by focusing on

  • sub-pixel rendering accuracy and
  • advanced anti-aliasing techniques.

This allows for

  • smoother and
  • more precise graphic representations,
  • reducing the "grainy" appearance typical of lower resolution or less sophisticated rendering technologies.

This choice of name underscores AGG's capability to produce high-quality, fine-grained graphics output.

관련 URLs



agg-2.6/README.md at master · ghaerr/agg-2.6

AGG Anti-Grain Geometry Library. Contribute to ghaerr/agg-2.6 development by creating an account on GitHub.


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